My Blog List

Saturday, August 13, 2011

StaRt SukE pADa sI diE :)

oke2 , cte da nk begin :)
nie ats permintaan cik Latifah kte .
sat ag aq start type , tp elek dlu chill2 la an . mnom teh tarik ke .
da2 , xpayah , buang mse je . jom kte bce :)

ctenye cam nie :

"oke class u have to been divided into group , 1 group 4 person . " miss Puteri arahkn kteorg sume 1 kls bhgie kpd group msing . almaklumla dak laki kls aq cume 5 org je trmsok aq . Fine , aq mnglh pd sume kwn2 aq , aq trpkse pgi ke group gurl . nk xnk 2 jela kot cre nye :) heee .

tp mse 2 aq xtau la nk join group spe , aq cume diam n xkte pape pun . "oke , who dont have group yet ?" ps2 aq agkt la tgn . oo ye , kbtolan group dye mmg xckop org , dptla aq join group dye . tp frst tyme aq tgk dye , erm , trpikat pule . ala cam org dlu2 ckp ; cinta pndgn prtme . hee

tp siyesly aq mmg trgoda wlaupun xbpe knl ngn dye . erm , jp sblom 2 , miss kteorg ad kje , "oke guys , u all need to find 2 lyrics from the latest song . anything except malay song . only english song" waaa, mmg bezla an nk cri2 lyrics nie :)

oke , then kteorg bncg nk amek lagu pe , frst aq amek lagu fall out boys feat taylor swift - two better than one :) oke , dyeorg sume stuju , then c dye plih lagu colbie caillate - i do . lps aq cri n print , miss kteorg mnx pulak lyrics 2 ntok tgk .

sume lyrics kwn2 aq n aq sume dtrime , tp . . . tp miss kteorg nk plih slh 1 dripd lyrics tu ntok dwat blakon . what the . . . ! o man , aq da la sorg je laki . erm , aq xtau nk blakon pe . tp kwn2 dye (kwn aq gkla an) suh aq ngn c die jd main character , huaaaa . sgguh mnrik jdnye :) hee .

oke , smkin lme smkin rapat , blakon pun sme2 . tp slps lthn blakon 2 , xjd lak nk wat . huarghh ! pnt je blakon , huhu . erm , xpe2 its oke . ps2 lg skali aq dpt group ngn dye tyme kls statistik . erm , lgla hepi kot , dpt wat assignment sme2 :) sjk dri arie2 aq mnx no dye n agk sllu gk aq mcg dye :)

aq juz nk amek tau psal tntg dye je , spye aq lbeyh knl ngn mndlm :) smkin hri smkin aq tau tntg dye , dye manja , dye sporting . oke stop mmuji . tp 1 hri 2 dye mcg aq sbb nk luahkn prasaan dye yg tnga skit . oke fine , aq bce ngn tng n snyum (sbb aq ske org luah kn ssuatu kt aq , almaklumla nk jd psychology tp xksmpaian , so jd jela kwn2 pnye psychology) hee .

dye crta yg dye sdeyh . . . o xleyh smbg cte , lpe lak . da jnji ngn dye yg xnk cte kt org len (lau aq post kt blog nie kompem r da crte kt org lain an ?) oke , sjk lps dye cte kt aq , aq tau . mgkn aq xdpt dye wlaupun sdkt . sbb dye still mnggu :) oke fine awk , sy xkesa . tp mgkn slh aq gk sbb xbitau dye . tp lau aq da bitau , kompem aq malu . lau aq da malu xleyh wat pape pun .

so this is story when I start like + love her :)
sori to say , ilysm triugh my heart ;)

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